Italian Job

Barnes Corner CrossFit – CrossFit

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2 Rds:

10 Banded Pull-aparts

8 Kang Squats (Blue+ with barbell on back)



Squat Clean (Skillwork)

Workout of the Day

Metcon (Time)

“Italian Job”

(Partner) Relay Style

8 Rounds For Time:

200m Ski

12 Box Jumps 24/20 (Rx+30/24)

8 Squat Cleans 95/65 (Rx+115/85)
P1 completes a full round and rests as p2 goes. Each partner will complete 4 rounds.

Scaling options:

Hang Power Clean x4

Front Squat x4

Extra Work

3 Rounds for Quality

15 Ring Rows; 1s pause at top

20s L-Sit

10 Windmills (Each Side) add weight as needed

NOTES: This should be done slow and controlled focusing on muscle activation. On windmills emphasize shoulder stability and smooth movement.

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